Lies We All Believe About Starting A Business (And Why You Need To Start A Business NOW)
I know how hard it can be to figure out “what to do” with your life. I was trapped in the corporate world, just wanting freedom. I have the heart of an entrepreneur through and through, and the drive to build something for myself that I had complete control over was...
Stop Procrastinating & Get Stuff Done
If you’re at all like me, you want to feel inspired and energetic about your “work”, whether it’s working on your business, homeschooling your kids, or doing laundry… But that isn’t always easy as a mom. There are so many days that we just have to push through even when we don’t feel like it, and that can DEFINITELY lead to some procrastination! Today’s blog post is a little about procrastination, and a lot about overcoming perfectionism so you can do what you need to do to succeed for your family.
Being an Overcomer and Starting a Business – Chat with Mindset Coach Sheedia Jansen
Starting a business after trauma can seem daunting, if not completely impossible. But we can choose to spend the time that we do feel good to move forward.
Did I Get It Right?
I startled myself when I realized that I hadn’t touched my blog in months. If you’re feeling too comfortable or wanting to give up, this story is for you.
Building a Creative Business with Mary Duggan
Get tips on starting your own creative business, building confidence, and pursuing your passion as a mother. This interview will encourage you, as well as challenge you to think bigger and believe in yourself!