Let’s go!

Launch Your Own Social Media Business While Your Kids Are Napping

10 years ago I was a broke business owner.

I found myself sitting at my kitchen table putting together invitations for my little wedding design business…

After spending hours on each and every detail, taking photos and listing my products and marketing the heck out of them, I KNEW deep down in my heart that I would make $20. Or maybe a couple hundred.

If I was lucky.

Not nearly enough for all the effort I had put in!

It was heartbreaking.

But I would sit down and do it

again and again

trying to get just one more customer… only to realize it wasn’t enough to pay the electric bill, let alone replace the job I had left to start a family.

My husband was very supportive. But he was working so hard at his full time job.

I was not holding up my end of the deal.

The business wasn’t bringing in enough money.

I was stressed out.

I felt ashamed when people would ask me how it’s going.

The bills were piling up.

I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Wasn’t this supposed to be easy?

I wanted more.

I wanted to not have to worry about where the money was going to come from, or if I would even earn anything this month!

I didn’t want to spend my time chasing each and every customer just to make a few bucks. Then turn around and do it again!

I wanted to pay off my hospital bills, and afford decent internet (not joking, we were totally broke!).

I wanted to be able to have a few nice things like parties for my kids and vacations.

And I wanted my effort to mean something for my family in the future instead of just scraping by.

That was when I stumbled on a business that allowed me to make good money to support my family so I felt like I was holding up my end of the deal.

It was a business that made sense and it was something I was familiar with, so I decided to go for it.

At first it was scary.

I had so many questions and it was hard to build my business in a way that worked for my family.

Through years of trial and error, I was able to build a system that made it simple and effortless to get clients, get work done quickly, and do it all in a way that pays well while allowing me the flexibility of being a full-time mom.

I had finally done it!

I felt proud to share what I was doing.

My clients were so happy with my work!

I was doing creative work that I loved, and getting paid well to do it.

I paid off those hospital bills and upgraded the internet.

I was able to be home with my kids without question.

We were able to travel, and even moved to Germany and back without skipping a payday or having to sell our house in the states.

I was making a full time income working part-time at my kitchen table.

I had discovered the business holy grail for moms – Social Media Management.

You can do this, too!

 What would it feel like…

To be able to take vacations?

To move with a military spouse and not have the stress of getting a temporary job?

To save money on childcare because you can be with your kids whenever and wherever they need you?

To finally pay off debt and have an ABUNDANCE of finances and time in your life?

You hear that dream of starting your own business call to you.

Don’t ignore it any more. Being home with your kids and having a flexible business is 100% possible.

If my student Sandra can do it, you can too.

Sandra is a stay-at-home mom of three who came to me with a desire to work at home.

She was intimidated and didn’t know where to start or if this would be something she’d be able to handle.

She had so many questions!

Within weeks of working together, she had her first client, it was going well, and the fear was gone!

She quickly became a confident business owner.

Her reality can be yours too. 

How can you make this a reality?


the Social Media Business Launch Plan

The ONLY program you’ll ever need to start and build a social media manager business that supports your family for years to come. I’ll teach you everything you need to know through quick and painless steps that can be completed while the kids nap.


  • Learn exactly where to start so you can see serious growth and get clients quickly.
  • Confidently move forward and become an “expert” social media manager in less time.
  • Overcome “new business” overwhelm by getting clear on EXACTLY what you need to do to purposefully move your business forward – this is a fluff-free zone!
  • Not just social media basics (we all know those!). This program will comprehensively walk you through setting up and organizing your business with simplified processes to avoid overwhelm, save time and money, and keep you moving forward.
  • Accountability and motivation to keep you going – 6 months of twice-monthly office hours and additional small-group trainings to answer all of your questions and provide support along the way.



Hey there!

I’m Mara.

All of my life, I’ve had huge dreams and goals.

I had no idea what I was doing when I left my last job.

But it has been an amazing, joy-filled, and VERY challenging journey learning how to build a business I love.

I have… Provided for my family in the ups and downs of life Traveled with my family for three months at a time without skipping a pay day Been there for my kids 100% – no question! Had security in the shutdowns and illnesses

As a mom of five little kids, I had a deep desire to provide for my family in the ups and downs, be able to travel without skipping a beat, be there for my kids, and honestly just have enough money to take them to the dentist, let alone piano lessons, gymnastics, and everything else…

I wanted “it all”.

So I started my own business.

I’m in the trenches with you.

I’m a mom of five little kids (two in diapers!).

I’m homeschooling.

I’m 100% mom (no nanny here!).

And I haven’t always done it right, but I have learned from my mistakes. I have a teacher’s heart, and I believe in moms and our ability to be there for our families in creative jobs that don’t require 9-5 work. I believe in flexibility and freedom, and the security of not having to struggle from paycheck to paycheck. I regularly make five figures from my couch, and I’ve been doing it for 8+ years.

I want this for you, too.

What’s Included

The Social Media Business Launch Plan Overview

I designed this training program for BUSY moms. It comes as an interactive, easy online training that you can log in to from any device, wherever you have a minute! Video lessons are quick and simple, and will give you “action steps” as needed to put the lessons into practice. I want you to WIN at this, so I’m including everything you need to know to get your own social media business up and running!

I recommend that you commit at least 20 minutes per day for two-three weeks to get up and running quickly. You may want to take more or less time than that depending on your personal pace. This training includes…

  • Instant Access to the Social Media Business Launch Plan
  • Video Trainings, Walkthroughs, and Workbooks
  • Templates & Scripts to Take Out the Guesswork
  • Lifetime Access to Course Content and Updates
  • 6 Months of Accountability and Small-Group Coaching, Additional Trainings as Needed, Unlimited Support

The Curriculum

  • Marketing Basics
  • Starting Your Business (step-by-step!)
  • Naming Your Business
  • Creating a Professional Brand & Logo
  • Business Accounting Basics & Templates
  • Setting Up a Professional Online Presence for Your Business
  • Getting Your First Client
  • Drafting a Proposal – with Examples
  • How to Speak With Business Owners, with Scripts/Examples
  • Onboarding Clients – What to do First
  • Serving Your Clients – How to Get Them Results
  • How to Build a Social Media Strategy, with Examples
  • How and Why to Scale Your Business
  • Special Considerations for Moms
  • Daily/Weekly Schedule Examples
  • And More!

Super informative!

Chock full of great information! I was easily able to take notes and implement ideas. I love that she explains what to do, and then gives the real life example of how she does it in her business. I keep referencing back to it and recommending it 🙂

Supportive and knowledgeable. 100% recommend

Easy to digest information with so much structure and supportive resources. This is an amazing resource not only for those who want to be social media managers, but also for those who want to do a better job of managing their own social media.

A great intro to becoming a social media manager

Great resource for future moms, ambitious dads, anyone. There is a lot of advice on how to build a business, secure clients, and scale with success. If you’re interested in a career or side business as a social media manager, this is a great resource.

An excellent starting point for parents looking to try a new path in social media management!

A great introduction to starting a career or side hustle as a social media or marketing manager! Applicable to moms and dads alike and full of actionable steps that are easy to execute and get you started.

Full of useful guidance! Highly recommend

…Exactly what I was looking for. No fluff and straight to the point. Chock-full of useful guidance on social media management. Along with steps to take for getting started and building your skills and clientele.

So useful!

Loved it! So much useful information in a simple and easy to navigate format. You can spend so much time searching online piecing together all the info or you could read it all in one place!

You really can

have freedom & flexibility as a social media manager!

It’s how I am 100% “mom” to my five kids, homeschool two of them, and don’t have a nanny. It’s how I moved to Germany with my kids and husband for a few months and didn’t skip a payday. It’s how I built boundaries with my clients and position myself as a professional, while mopping my floors and meal planning. And I will teach you how to do it too.

Maybe you’ve tried countless ways to make money, just to wind up where you started… Frustrated. Energy spent. And less time with your kids than you thought.

It’s not your fault. Most of the programs out there set you up to fail. There are very few programs out there that provide you the accountability you need to succeed.

That’s why every Social Media Business Launch Plan student gets free six months of small-group coaching and accountability (twice monthly sessions), and unlimited support to keep you moving in the right direction.

Questions? Send me an email at hello@thrive-system.com – I would love to help you!